Tuesday, July 22, 2008

View from the road

Well, the Clampetts made it all the way to Flagstaff without losing a bicycle or a suitcase from the exterior of the car. Road trips are infinitely less fun these days as I watch the fuel gauge consuming my meager wallet. Filling up on the road can actually induce hyperventilation. Hyperventilating at the fuel pump is fraught with difficulty as one can get more than a little high on the fumes! Maybe that is the key...self medicating with fuel fumes to ease the pain of the purchase! A quick eight hours of sleep and back on the road across the Northern Arizona moonscape and on to New Mexico. A long six hour trip across dry harsh landscape.


Anonymous said...

Julia, Thanks for visiting A Second Cup. We did and any d again travel hockey so I feel your tiredness and excitement as a parent helping a child strive for excellence.

22 trips to Walmart deserves roses in and of itself.

I hope your child does well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Julia,
Did you bring your iPod? I find I can deal with just about any kid-related travel event if I have two things: lots of double-shot cappucinos and my iPod. Also I like to practice being impossibly calm and serene (channel your favorite saint; it helps!), because not only do I feel more calm, but my kids never know how to respond when I'm calm instead of my normal frenzied state! We should probably wire the Walmart in Albuquerque and let them know you're coming; they'll be so happy to see you!
