Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday: Summer garden salad with shrimp

Reflections from the Backcounter

The blogging community that supports Entrecard is a warm and helpful group of people who support one another through visiting and dropping entrecards with each visit. I have especially enjoyed communicating with Polly at Random Ramblings. Her help and guidance has been invaluable and she has again extended herself by awarding the Backcounter Buffet another award. The Just Plain fun to read award.!
Following Polly's lead, I am tasked with awarding this to four other blogs:
1. The Junk Drawer Kathy is a great writer who creatively shares her experiences and observations with others. Her posts always bring a smile to my face and I love the name of her blog. Visit her and leave a comment.
2.Gina's weight watcher recipes need I say more? We all need to read these recipes. Better to watch the points than my waistline expansion
3. Crazy working mom: Aren't we all?
4. Random Ramblings: I have to link back because I visit this blog every day!
Happy reading !

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Thank you so much for the mention! I'm glad you enjoy The Junk Drawer. And if anyone leaves me a comment, I guarantee that I'll reply! Blogging is some of the most fun I've had in my life, and my readers are the reason.

Have a great day!
